Right now I’m at place where a few months ago I could’ve only dreamt of being, which is being happy. Happy with the results I’ve achieved through my training, the changes in my mood and positive thinking that’s improved my life. *
The success of any team depends on the members within it. With the right leadership and coaching, achieving success is MUCH easier.
The last couple of years has tested many of us to our limits. Today an increasing number of organisations are realising the importance of employee wellbeing. The most forward-thinking employers have also invested in training specifically tailored to help their employees cope better.
Coaching teams to be more resilient plays a major role in improving mental wellbeing and reducing stress, anxiety and overwhelm. My corporate training seminar gives employees new knowledge and understanding. By the end of the presentation, each employee will have their own unique plan to move themself towards “bullet proof” resilience.
Brain hacks. Are these even a thing? Yes! Some of the expected outcomes of this coaching session:
Gordon developed this training when asked to help NHS staff during the pandemic. But almost any team will benefit from boosting resilience.
Happy employees, both in and out of work, will do a better job. Living a stressful life is accepted as the norm these days, but that does not mean we can’t get stress, anxiety and burnout under control.
Get in touch now to find out how to help your teams remain productive and succeed whatever the challenge.
This seminar is typically delivered online.
Right now I’m at place where a few months ago I could’ve only dreamt of being, which is being happy. Happy with the results I’ve achieved through my training, the changes in my mood and positive thinking that’s improved my life. *
Having tried various forms of therapy, self-help and other mental health solutions, Gordon is the only person who has finally been able to help me turn it all around. Thank you so much Gordon, you really helped me to get my smile back!
Angharad Williamson
Gordon brought out the happy me and helped me laugh again. He is a true inspiration, incredibly understanding and a really nice guy too! *
Carol Anne Hall
With Gordon, you get someone who genuinely cares about you because he isn’t a trainer who’ll train you for an hour and then forgets about you, he’ll get to know you, become a friend and will help you in any area by going above and beyond wherever he can. *
With Gordon’s support I feel more awake, definitely more balanced, happier and more motivated to continue with my new lifestyle. Our work is ongoing and I look forward to my weekly sessions and the results that we achieve together. *
Lesley Anne Larsen
Gordon helped me see that focussing on ‘me’ was not selfish and in fact was critical to be able to support others around me. Some personal changes have happened this year that I could never have expected however I am certain that with Gordons support I have coped with them better and am in fact feeling very positive about the future. I am eternally grateful, Thank you!
I now have a very clear set of values to ground myself and I’m now getting much more from life and I have to thank Gordon for unlocking the real me and letting me realise that at 60 life is not done and there’s so much more to live for
Sheena R
What a superb session. It’s hard to describe but I went in with a fog clouding my judgement and roadblocks everywhere. Just over an hour later it feels like the fog has gone and I’m in the fast lane with my foot down. *
Stuart Dickson
With Gordon’s gentle persistent coaching, I’ve become a much happier and more productive human being. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and overcome some huge personal and professional issues. I am truly a different person thanks to Gordon’s encouragement and support. *
Mark Westbrook
I continue to work with Gordon as he is exactly what a coach should be: supportive yet challenging, respectful and observant, kind and clear, the the while knowledgeable and continuing to learn. Most of all Gordon is trustworthy …. [I] highly recommend Gordon to others who seek to help themselves. *
Niki Walker
*Testimonials and before / after shots are used as examples. Your results may vary.